We know, finding the best never have I ever questions is a hassle. Keeping the game going with the funniest and trickiest questions is hard and we are here to help you out with it. If you are playing never have I ever, always remember to prepare questions before so that the time is not wasted. When you are playing with your crush or your partner or maybe a friend you are interested in, dirty questions can be fun and sexy. This can help you learn about their personal lives and their sexual pleasures as there is no judging at all that’s the first rule of never have I ever. New to this game? Do not worry! We got you! From basics to never have I ever game to all the dirty questions you need for it, you will find further in the article!
Also Read: Truth and Dare Questions To Ask
What is ‘Never Have I Ever’ and How to Play it?
Never have I ever is a perfect game for your virtual or house party. It requires zero props and you can easily do it over facetime as well. It helps you understand your friends, partner or family better. Never played it? The game is simple, each person takes a turn by holding their hand up and says a statement about something they have never done and says,” Never Have I Ever….” If anyone from the group has done It, they put their one finger down. A variation of this game includes drinking. If you want to spice up this game, you can add alcohol to this game. The person who has done the action will sip the drink.
This game is highly entertaining and informative as it allows getting to know your group much better. Drinks can make this game even more dirty and interesting especially if you are playing with your partner or boyfriend/girlfriend. If you need to drive back home, play the version which does not require drinks. So, ready for a confessional and fun night? Here are some rules you should put in your mind before playing never have I ever:
- Never be judgemental or make fun of.
- If you are not comfortable with the question, you can skip it.
- Play to create bonds or add spark to your bonds. Have fun!
Also read: 5 House Party Games
‘Never Have I Ever’ Questions: Dirty Edition
Asking dirty questions to your partner while playing this game is great for your love life. It’s always a great idea to add spice to your love life by playing little sexy games with your partner.
Never Have I Ever Questions Dirty EditionSo, ready for some of the good never have I ever questions to ask for when you are playing with your partner? Here you go!
- Never Have I Ever Sent Someone a naughty picture.
- Never Have I Ever had friends with benefits.
- Never have I ever tried to cheat in a relationship.
- Never have I ever had a one night stand.
- Never have I ever faked an orgasm.
- Never have I ever gone to a party for a hookup.
- Never have I ever used a lame or old cheesy pickup line.
- Never have I ever been to a strip club.
- Never have I ever covered up a hickey.
- Never have I ever secretly dated two people at the same time.
- Never have I ever given a bogus phone number to a guy/girl.
- Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s boyfriend.
- Never have I ever proposed to someone.
- Never have I ever smelled my underwear to check if it’s clean or not.
- Never have I ever called someone the wrong name while making out.
- Never have I ever been unfaithful to a partner.
- Never have I ever hooked up with an ex.
- Never have I ever given or received a lap dance.
- Never have I ever slept with a teacher/boss for good grades/promotion.
- Never have I ever spied on my neighbor.
- Never have I ever stolen something expensive.
- Never have I ever stalked an ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend.
- Never have I ever refused to kiss.
- Never have I ever sneaked out from the house.
- Never have I ever gone to the washroom and not washed my hands.
- Never have I ever eaten the food that fell on the floor.
- Never have I ever had a wet dream.
- Never have I ever made out in an elevator.
- Never have I ever picked my nose in public.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I peed/farted in my pants.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during sex.
- Never have I ever role-played.
- Never have I ever goofed up on names while dating multiple people at the same time.
- Never have I ever made out with someone of the same sex.
- Never have I ever fantasized about my best friend.
- Never have I ever seen porn during my school days.
- Never have I ever had a crush on my boss.
- Never have I ever made out with all my clothes on.
- Never have I ever been the big spoon.
- Never have I ever tried naked yoga.
- Never have I ever peed in a pool.
- Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar.
- Never have I ever changed my mind just before doing it.
- Never have I dated a person, way older than me.
- Never have I ever lied about my virginity.
- Never have I ever been dumped.
- Never have I ever said “I love you” without meaning it.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone when I was taken.
- Never have I ever not worn a bra in public.
- Never have I ever lied on the ‘never have I ever’ game.
These were some of the best never have I ever questions to ask. You can play it with your partner or even your friends to spice up the party spirit!
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