If you enjoy alcohol or like to get buzzed, here is a big surprise for you. Your favorite alcoholic drink or liquor ‘Vodka’ is a disguised cosmetic product. Apart from quenching your thirst to get intoxicated, there are numerous other benefits of vodka that you are unaware of.
What Is Vodka?
Vodka is a liquor enjoyed by females all around the world. It is one of the classic drinks that has about 40% of ethanol in it. Neat vodka shots are the life and rhythm of a social gathering or club parties. Vodka is generally prepared from potatoes, cereals and grapevines by fermentation. Vodka is available in different flavors and brands for you to enjoy. But other than its specialty as a spirit; it can be used in cooking. It can be applied to your skin and hair as well. Here we will describe “why Vodka is good for skin”. And how to apply it on skin and hair.
Beauty Benefits of Vodka
Here we have listed some of the best beauty benefits of vodka
1. Lustrous Hair
Alcohol, like beer and vodka, can be used as shampoo and conditioner. It will soften your hair and give it a lustrous appearance. Applying vodka on hair will nourish it and efficiently increase the volume of your hair as well. Use vodka with water (1:1) to apply it on your hair.
2. Anti-Aging Remedy
It is hard to believe, but vodka can work as an anti-aging serum on your skin. It will tighten your skin and prevent the folds and wrinkles from appearing on your face or skin. Thus keeping your youthful skin intact.
Use one or two tablespoons of vodka with rose water and apply it on your face. Vodka for clear skin is used by women who couldn’t get rid of the obnoxious marks and clogged pores. It will cause the skin cells to contract and the loose folds of your skin that you fear will stay away.
3. Antiseptic Property
Vodka on the skin can be used as an antiseptic. It can be diluted in water and used on your face to have clear, glowing skin. You can get rid of those closed pores and acne marks from Vodka. Even your dark circles can be reduced. Use diluted vodka to massage the inner and outer of your eyes. For this, you can add jojoba or olive oil to a tablespoon of vodka and moisturize your face using it. It has potato starch, which will clean up your face.
4. Flawless Skin
We all desire to have clear and flawless skin without a mark or scar. A perfectly toned and glowing skin is a dream. Giving you a flawless skin is one of the benefits of vodka on skin. But most often due to pollution our skin routine becomes impossible to achieve. But Vodka could be your one-step solution to having that skin. Use vodka with herbal tea or green coffee to rejuvenate your skin. The antioxidant property of tea and astringent properties of vodka is a miracle solution. It would be a perfect combination to give a flawless skin that you covet.
5. Dandruff Free Scalp
Vodka on hair is a natural remedy to provide a dandruff-free scalp. Dandruff can cause hair fall and hair loss. Your favorite drink is here to rescue you. Add vodka and a few drops of lemon and rosemary, mix it. Let it stand for two days and then massage your scalp with it. Wash your hair properly and observe the change.
6. Goodbye Stinky Feet
Your feet have many germs accumulated in it. Vodka is a great disinfectant and antiseptic. Vodka on the skin of your feet can work as a cleansing agent. It can be used to clean feet and body parts like hands. It will also help you to get rid of that stinking smell or odor that your feet produce.
Vodka7. Clean Your Razor
We use Razor to shave off the extra body hair regularly. A well maintained and clean razor is prime. You cannot use a rusty Razor on your skin for various health concerns like hepatitis, tetanus, etc. Vodka can be used as a disinfectant to clean your Razor. It will also let you have a smooth shaving session.
8. Blackheads And Whiteheads
Say goodbye to those annoying blackheads and whiteheads on your nose and nearby areas. Removing blackheads could be painfully unbearable. Apply vodka on the face to get rid of the blackheads and whiteheads.
Since it works on unclogging the pores of your skin and letting it breathe again. Vodka can help in removing blackheads, whiteheads and other marks and scars.
9. Makeup Remover
Vodka is a cleansing agent and it can help to remove makeup. Use a tablespoon of vodka with 2 tablespoons of water. It will help you to rid of all the excessive chemical products you have applied to your skin. Removing makeup could be challenging and rough on your skin. Vodka is an easy one-step cure for it.
10. Face Mask
Using Vodka for clear skin is novel but beneficial. It can be used as a face mask. Add vodka to Rosewater and ‘Multani Mitti’; apply it on your face and wash it off. You can add honey as well. It will rejuvenate your skin, giving it a proper glow and texture and reopening all the pore. The uniform tone that you want on your skin could be achieved with these masks. For this, to work you need to keep doing it regularly. These were the top 10 benefits of vodka apart from being an amazing drink.
Side Effects of Vodka
Vodka on the skin and hair is an effective solution. It has amazing properties that are not only good for your skin but hair as well. There are some precautions taken before applying it on your skin. It is important to understand that it might not be alright for every skin type. If you have an extra sensitive skin; avoid using it. Never apply vodka near your eyes and always use a diluted solution. In case of emergency or any side effects do consult a doctor or skin specialist as soon as possible.
Vodka Is All In One Solution
Vodka is a magic liquor. It not only soothes your throat with the burning sensation you need in your drink. But nourishes your skin and hair. You can use vodka treatment when your hair has started to get frizzy. And also when your face has a reduced glow because of tiredness or work. Now we understand why vodka is good for the skin. Vodka is a fermentation product of potato and cereals. They are traditionally used to get rid of the scars and marks from your acne and pimple. These raw materials have been used for ages. When nothing seems to work on your pores; vodka is a blessing. Using vodka for cleaning the skin has been unconventional yet very beneficial.
Also Read: 5 Popular Ways To Try Vodka Drinks