For the sake of argument, let's say that you have already ruled out the possibility of experiencing menstruation on a monthly basis. Therefore, if it is not the normal amount of bloodshed during a period, it may indicate something entirely else. There is no distinction between the outcomes of a plan b spotting vs implantation bleeding when it comes to the findings.
That is to say; there is implantation Bleeding vs Period Bleeding from the vaginal area. Is it conceivable, despite this fact, that the underlying causes vary from one another? The plan b spotting vs implantation bleeding is at different extremes of the medical spectrum and for self-evident reasons.
A phenomenon known as "Plan B spotting" is one of the most prevalent causes of irregular vaginal bleeding. It is possible for bleeding to start after a fertilized egg has successfully implanted in the uterus. However, this happens rather rarely. After we've established what plan b spotting vs implantation bleeding is, it's time to get down to the nitty-gritty of the situation, shall we?
Comparison of Plan B Spotting VS Implantation Bleeding: Key Differences
1. Flow
The bleeding that occurs during implantation occurs as the smell of implantation bleeding, as opposed to menstrual bleeding, which may be rather substantial at times and often consists of just a few drops of pink or brown discharge or little streaks when you wipe. Even while Plan B bleeding is often not severe, a tiny minority of women, around 15%, have reported experiencing considerable bleeding after taking the pill.
2. Cramping
Because of the rapid shifts in hormone levels during implantation, some women experience discomfort in the form of implantation cramps. During the implantation phase, you may experience mild cramping that feels like a sharp pang or a dull pain. These cramps are comparable to menstrual cramps but are far less powerful.
Cramps affect around one-third of pregnant women at some point. On the other side, taking Plan B pills might cause cramping, which feels like a dull discomfort in the lower abdomen. These cramps could be uncomfortable.
3. Incidence
Even though only around one-quarter of women have implantation bleeding, post-Plan B haemorrhage is far more common than plan b spotting vs implantation bleeding.
4. Colour
The bleeding that takes place during an implantation procedure is often a dark or rusty brown colour. On the other hand, the spot's colour that corresponds to Plan B may be described as reddish brown.
5. Consistency and Duration
The bleeding that occurs after implantation is minimal and often lasts between implantation bleeding and period one and two days. During those two days, the bleeding may be characterized as being inconsistent, and you may find that it stops and begins or that it is only there on occasion when you wipe. If this is the case, you may note that it is only present when you wipe.
When using the Plan B pill, however, you may have significantly longer durations of bleeding in the cervix. After using the Plan B emergency contraceptive tablets, some women have mild plan b spotting vs implantation bleeding for up to one month, which eventually goes away. After using Plan B for around one week, women reported the most frequent side effect is mild plan b spotting vs implantation bleeding.
Suggested Read: Common Side Effects of Birth Control Pill
6. Pregnancy Test
Taking a pregnancy test is the only method to determine whether or not the spotting you are experiencing is the result of implantation or of taking the Plan B tablets. It is best to postpone taking a pregnancy test until seven to twelve days following successful implantation since this is the window of time for reliable results. Clear Blue Ultra Early pregnancy tests are an excellent option if you decide to take an early pregnancy test at home. These tests enable you to get reliable results up to six days before the expected date of your next period.
The occurrence of vaginal bleeding or spotting as a result of plan b spotting vs implantation bleeding is fairly frequent. Even the other potential adverse effects of Plan B are far less dangerous than most other drugs. However, if you believe the bleeding is becoming out of control or the cramping is becoming intolerable, you should make an appointment with your doctor. And consume a lot of water to maintain your health and ensure that you are well-hydrated and powerful.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. After using plan B, is there a chance of becoming pregnant?
Plan B performs the same function as the other birth control tablets, which is to say that it stops pregnancy. These drugs impede fertilization by blocking the fusion of sperm and egg, a necessary step in the process. Therefore, if Plan B is successful, it will prevent an already fertilized egg from developing into a baby. And it is reported that the success rate of Plan B ranges anywhere from 61% to 95%.
Q2. Are there any similarities between the negative effects of Plan B and pregnancy symptoms?
Indeed, there is a strong resemblance between the two sets of symptoms. After using an emergency method of birth control, the very last thing you want to hear is anything implantation bleeding looks like. However, if action is taken to implement Plan B within the first three days, there is a good chance that it will be successful.
Q3. How can I tell whether Plan B was successful?
Waiting for your next period will be the only way to determine whether or not Plan B was successful for you. If you haven't had your period in more than a week, you need to think about getting a pregnancy test done.
Also Read: Does Spotting During Pregnancy Mean Miscarriage?