Every little detail of your face is essential in completing the full picture. While we tend to associate beauty with only certain parts such as lips, eyes, etc. every part is important in finishing the look that makes you. If any of these little puzzle pieces were missing, the face looking back at you from the mirror would not truly be your own.
One such part that we tend to ignore is the eyebrows. While the eyebrows may not be as noticeable as the eyes or the lips, they are what defines the face. Different shapes of eyebrows can enhance or subdue certain angles of your face. Thus, if you are the kind of person who enjoys expressing themselves through different shades of beauty and grooming, you may desire a certain look for your eyebrows. You may find yourself wishing you knew how to make eyebrows thick and bold, so the fullness of your personality can shine through them.
If you have been wondering about tips to get thick eyebrows, you needn’t look too far. Because today, we are going to let you in on a little secret to unleash your inner eyebrow magic. Don’t worry, because it isn’t too difficult to master. All you need to do is follow some DIY hacks for thick eyebrows, to give yourself the bold expression you desire.
Will Thicker Eyebrows suit me?
Before you find out how to make eyebrows thick and bold, you may feel an inkling of doubt as you wonder if the look will suit you. While thin eyebrows have been popular for a long time, thick and bold eyebrows aren’t any less beautiful. The thick eyebrow trend has its own set of benefits, which may or may not appeal to you.
Thicker eyebrows frame your face and help in opening up the eyes, by making them look wider and wondrous. Thick and bold eyebrows also take a few years off your appearance and make you look younger. They have a sense of braveness to them, full of life and expression. As long as you maintain them properly, thick eyebrows can look neat and well-defined too.
So, if you have always been one for the threaded, thinner eyebrows, you can try growing them out once, to see how it looks. There is no harm in trying new things and finding newer methods of expressing yourself. By following these DIY hacks for bold eyebrows, you just might find comfort in a look that you have never considered before.
How to Make Eyebrows Thick and Bold?
If you have decided to go for thicker and fuller eyebrows to see how it turns out, then you might be excited to get started on the process. Luckily, there is no complicated procedure that needs to be done. Most of these DIY hacks for thick eyebrows are natural remedies, which means that there will be little to no side-effects. These natural remedies have properties that boost the growth of your eyebrows. That, paired with certain grooming and makeup tips, ensures that you are well-equipped to begin.
Thicker EyebrowsGrab hold of these next few tips to get thick eyebrows and prepare to amaze yourself with the results.
1. Jojoba Oil
Starting with the amazing jojoba oil which unclogs your hair follicles along with nourishing them thoroughly. It helps in protecting the eyebrows and adds an extra glimmer, making them shine naturally. To use jojoba oil for eyebrow growth, apply a few drops, and leave it overnight. Wash it when you wash your face in the morning and use this every day to start seeing the results you want.
2. Coconut Oil
The miraculous coconut oil is a must-use hack for thick eyebrows. With its natural content of iron and Vitamin E, coconut oil has many benefits, one of which is promoting the growth of healthier and thicker eyebrows, along with making them darker.
Thicker EyebrowsTo use coconut oil successfully, put a few drops on your eyebrows, and gently massage it into them to promote good absorption along with increased circulation. In the morning, rinse it with lukewarm water. Repeat this process daily for around 1 to 2 months until you can see satisfactory results.
3. Castor Oil
Castor oil contains many wonders, such as rich content of fatty acids, vitamins, and proteins, even having antioxidant properties on top of it all. Thus, it is one of the hacks for thick eyebrows as applying it to your eyebrows will promote hair growth, giving you that fuller, bolder look.
To use castor oil properly, first, soak a cotton swab with it and then apply it over each eyebrow. Gently massage the oil over 2 to 3 minutes. You can leave it on for around 30 minutes, or even overnight if you wish. Then, wash it using lukewarm water along with a cleanser. You can continue doing this daily until you achieve the results that you have been seeking.
4. Olive Oil
This is one of the DIY hacks for thick eyebrows which can easily be found in your kitchen. Along with being great for cooking, olive oil has natural properties such as fatty acids and Vitamin E and K, which is beneficial for the hair follicles. It softens, moisturizes, and promotes repair, while also enhancing growth. This means that olive oil is extremely useful for the growth of your eyebrows and can give you the push you need.
There are many ways to use this, according to your preference. We will mention a couple of these. One of them is massaging the eyebrows for around 5 minutes by using warm olive oil and leaving it overnight. In the morning, you can rinse it off with warm water.
Another way is to mix half of a teaspoon of olive oil with a few drops of honey and massaging it into your eyebrows. You can leave this combination on for around 30 minutes, before washing it off with warm water. Use your olive oil on eyebrows daily to start seeing the results you desire.
5. Eyebrow Growth Serum
Taking a step away from the homemade hacks for thick eyebrows, you can consider investing in an eyebrow growth serum, which usually contains Vitamin B5, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, etc. These ingredients help in thickening your eyebrows faster and also nourishing them nicely.
6. Exfoliate
Along with the above solutions for eyebrow growth, you can try exfoliating as one of the tips to get thick eyebrows. Exfoliating the eyebrows is an important part of our skincare routine that we often forget.
For this, we need an exfoliating medium, either a face scrub or a baby toothbrush with a cleanser. If you use the face scrub, make sure to only exfoliate around the perimeter of the eyebrows, without touching the actual eyebrows. In case you choose the baby toothbrush i.e. a brush with extra-soft bristles, make sure to gently rub in circles over your eyebrows for around 30 seconds to one minute.
It is important to be gentle and careful to avoid the removal of hair. In case you don’t feel confident, stick to cleansing around the region of your eyebrows. Doing this occasionally, such as once every two weeks, removes dead skin cells and makes room for hair to come to the surface and grow. Pair this with the use of natural oil such as coconut oil to ensure that the brows get moisturized properly.
7. Eyebrow Makeup
As your natural eyebrows continue growing, you can use makeup to fill them up for now, as a hack for bold eyebrows. If you want to go for a more natural look, stay soft around the edges and only properly lay it in for the areas where hair growth is heavy.
Thicker EyebrowsChoose the correct shade of brow powder or gel to apply, ideally a couple of shades lighter than your eyebrow hair, so that it suits them properly and makes them appear fuller. Research on filling techniques and practice them on yourself, till you master the one which makes you feel most comfortable.
Having that Thicker Eyebrow look
Remember that consistency is the key to building up the best results. Along with your daily application of oils and the occasional exfoliation, make sure to eat a diet rich in vitamins such as Vitamin B. Try to let your eyebrows grow over a while, instead of plucking or waxing them. Let them unleash their inner potential of thickness and fullness because slowly they will approach those desired results.
Thicker EyebrowsEven then, it is true that the bold eyebrow look may not be for everybody. It can cause some people to shy away, due to its dramatic flair, which is completely okay. In the end, you need to pick what makes you comfortable.
You can try certain hacks for bold eyebrows and see if they suit you. If you dislike the look, you can always make them thinner. And if you find that it suits you, then you can pay close attention to growing them out more!
Also Read; Perfectly Shaped Eyebrows