Okay! Picture this in your head. You have run through a conversation ‘n’ number of times. You feel rerunning the same situation in your mind will help you prepare better for the situation.
However, when you are actually supposed to deliver your performance, your fears resurface, and the niggling insecurity of projecting underconfidence consumes you.
“Do I have signs of low self-esteem women are not supposed to have?” you ask yourself.
But hey! Please stop. Do not let the self-blame game make you feel any worse than you already are. It’s okay. You are not alone in this. There can be multiple reasons as to why you have low self-esteem, and just like that, there are ways you can deal with it.
Low Self-Esteem Women: Causes
There is no rule book that says low self-esteem is exclusive only to women. However, research suggests that men do not suffer from low self-esteem issues as much as women do. In other words, it is way easier to spot signs of underconfidence in a woman than in a man.
The answer to this can be slightly associated with biological differences. The conditioning and belief patterns that women have been injected with for centuries now have a lot to do with women's self-esteem.
There is very little doubt about the fact that men are psychologically stronger than most women. Or at least that is what has been taught to us right from the beginning of our existence. This causes women to judge themselves harshly, thus feeling inferior to men.
It is as if women are always under the impression that they have to be “perfect” in the eyes of our society. “I am not supposed to have flabby arms.” “I am supposed to look thin”. “I should know how to cook”, these are the thoughts that women are most of the time buried under.
Environment and upbringing are two big factors that play a major role in shaping the confidence of a woman. Then there are hormonal changes that feed on the self-esteem of a woman.
Also read: Stop Saying Woman Have a Confidence Problem
Signs of Low Self-Esteem in Women
Low self-esteem can sometimes manifest itself in a woman’s mental state. If you are beginning to feel out of place, then it is time that you take note of the following signs:
1. Confidence is low
Do you bite your nails way too often? Or do you maybe have a hard time focusing on something because you cannot stop looking out the window? Maybe you cannot stop shaking your legs.
All these are signs of underconfidence in a woman. Your confidence thrives on your self-esteem. These two traits are linked to each other. If you are underconfident, it will act as a roadblock, preventing you from moving ahead in life.
2. Avoiding interactions
Are you dreading the upcoming party that your friend is going to host at her place? For the easy reason that you will have to come out of your bubble and talk about yourself?
This trait in women can often be considered a sign of low-self esteem. Social gatherings might negatively impact women’s self-esteem, where they might feel the urge to compare themselves to other women, which may lead them to feel inadequate about themselves.
3. Feeling hostile
Do you know what is another telltale sign of low self-esteem in women? It is when they get super defensive about something, to the level where they become overly aggressive. This fear of getting one’s insecurities exposed is one such sign that needs to be worked upon to improve self-esteem in women.
4. Everything feels out of control
A woman who feels she has no control over the surroundings around her often undergoes a feeling of instability which has a direct effect on her self-esteem.
5. Unreceptive to criticism
A woman with low self-esteem will never respond well to criticism. Many fail to realize that criticism can be perceived as a way of self-improvement. Low self-esteem women will often fail to grasp this fact and react negatively to criticism.
6. Going out of the way in order to ‘please’
Studies have found that women with no self-respect or self-esteem are often found going out of their ways to try to please people. They do not have an opinion of their own, and they are always unsure of themselves. This trait is very commonly observed in women with low self-esteem. Unfortunately, this does not translate into amiability.
7. Fear of failure
One of the most common traits in women with low self-esteem is self-talk in an abrogating fashion. This gloomy mindset hampers them from doing any work at all because again, ‘the fear of failing’ is more in them.
Also read: 5 Women Leader's Confidence Secrets
How to Boost Self-Esteem in Women?
The journey from unassertive to a confident woman is no piece of cake. It's about building real confidence and it needs to be worked on regularly. If you are a woman who is feeling underconfident about herself, you can practice feeling confident by adopting some means. For instance:
1. Talk to yourself
Practice positive affirmations that will remind you constantly about how perfect you are. Be your own best friend.
2. Stop comparing yourself to others
Comparing oneself to others is the most damaging thing that one could do. Everyone does not have to know everything. Do not apply the same yardstick to yourself. Rather, focus on what makes you great and different from others.
3. Be kind to yourself
Pamper yourself. Treat yourself to good food, good skin-care, and everything else that can make you feel good about yourself.
4. Do not hold on to your past
Sometimes, some women are incapable of letting go of their past, which makes it difficult for them to embrace the new changes and developments in life. Live in the present and help yourself and understand that it is okay to make mistakes sometimes.
Low self-esteem women can become confident once they can identify these signs in them. When they are able to do that, half the challenge is already won.
So, are you ready to feel sexy and confident?