Ah! shopping. There’s no better therapy than retail therapy. We women really love to shop. Shopping is the solution to all our sorrows, boredom, and stress. For the majority of us, going to grand malls may seem to be the most feasible option. But, however fancy they may appear; those high priced products may burn a hole in your pocket. International brands may rob you of your precious money and also, not everyone can afford them.
In that case, street shopping may appear as a boon for us shopping lovers. Street shopping is all about shopping carelessly along with enjoying yourselves. So ladies, brace yourselves. We’ve listed down some of the most amazing street shopping tips to make your shopping experience a memorable one. These tips and tricks would not only save you some bucks but will also help you get the best of what’s in fashion. Thank us later!
Tips for Street Shopping
Here are some of the best tips that you can try out to shop like a pro while during a street shopping spree
1. Always carry change
We all live in a digital world and of course it is easy to swipe your debit card and complete your transactions. But obviously, it is not a suitable option while you are street shopping.
Cash is the king here. The most fundamental rule while shopping from local markets is to always carry cash in as much change as possible. Otherwise, there are high chances that you may lose the bargained price of that beautiful dress and have to settle on the price you didn’t intend to. Therefore, always carry change with you.
2. Carry a big bag
Shopkeepers in local markets usually opt for polythene bags while handing out products. But polybags are very thin and fragile and may ditch you midway. To save yourself the embarrassment, it is recommended to carry a tote or a big bag made from jute or cloth. It would not only carry more stuff and leave you with free hands; but it would be environment – friendly too. A win – win situation indeed!
3. Bargaining is the key
A trip to the local market is incomplete without a full fledged bargain. Bargaining is the birthright of womankind. It is undoubtedly the biggest possible advantage of street shopping. Shopkeepers deliberately quote a higher selling price so there is always a chance of bargaining.
Also, you should never feel embarrassed about bargaining. Instead, you should be proud of yourself if you are able to walk out with a purchase made in half the price! So ladies; get, set, Bargain!
Tips for Street Shopping 4. Examine products carefully
This is the golden city shopping tip for everyone who is an avid street shopper. Most of the products in street markets are export rejects. Therefore, it is important to go through the entire product properly and check all the corners, edges, stitches, sequin work, and patterns before buying. Don’t purchase ill – fitted or pieces with little defect just because you find them attractive. The alteration cost might exceed the original price of the product.
5. Keep the excitement to yourself
Spotted a pretty dress and can’t keep your eyes off of it? Well keep your excitement to yourself and concentrate on the bargaining. If you show the slightest bit of excitement for a particular product then there is a high chance that you may lose out on a great deal. Shopkeepers tend to take advantage of this situation and may not bargain even a penny beyond. Appear calm and composed and pretend that it’s just any other piece of dress.
6. Dress comfortably
You are probably gonna spend a lot of time hogging from one shop to another till you find your best buys. Therefore, wear the most comfy piece of clothing and footwear that you own to help you survive the day. Wearing tights or jeans, may be too uncomfortable and may not be the appropriate clothing. Similarly, wearing shoes or heels may lead you to aching feet by the end of the day. And trust me, that’s the last thing you want. A basic jumpsuit or a floral dress along with a pair of flip flops is the ideal OOTD for your shopping day.
7. Don’t go too early if you’re on a budget
Though it is a general rule to reach early ; but it is the opposite in this case. Though reaching early may fetch you the best merchandise, but it would not fetch you the best price in the market. This is because the sellers are less likely to adjust their prices in the beginning of the day as they may get a better price later in the day. Therefore, being an early bird may take a toll on your budget.
8. Go through the entire market twice
Optimize your success before leaving! Go through the entire market twice – you’ll definitely catch on a lot of things that you missed the first time. And what’s better is that you may even come across some shops that went unnoticed before. There are also slight chances that the shopkeeper may now bargain for the same product that he refused to before. Sounds amazing right?
9. Befriend the sellers
Kill’em with kindness. Befriending a seller has its own perks. You may not only get the best deals on your favourite clothing in future but also; they will keep you updated about their new items. And, they may even keep their best pieces for you aside. Sounds great. Isn’t it? Afterall, Indian street markets are nothing but a wide network of Didi's and bhaiyas all way long.
10. Not sure about something? Don’t buy it
Don’t haggle over something if you are not sure about buying it. It is advisable to not waste your time as well as the seller’s time if you don’t intend on buying something. The seller may also get annoyed if you keep seeing something without the intention of buying it.
It’s simple: if you like it, then buy it. And if you don’t; then drop it and move ahead.
So, ladies, you can now ace street shopping like a pro with these shopping tips in hand. So get your gal pals and plan your next shopping street trip today!
Also read; Tips To Look Branded Fashionable With Street Shopping Outfit