The word Etiquette sounds so strict, right? You’ll think that they are some kind of strict rules that you need to follow and work hard on. I’ll tell you, etiquette rules are very easy if you just give them a try and sort them out. It is not something like rocket science for which you need to be very intelligent. They will also get easier once you start!
Proper etiquettes will make you stand apart from the crowd. Be it the job interviews, the company dinners, or just a social gathering, proper etiquette will earn you respect from all. Tempted enough to know them?
Etiquette Rules for Women
Here is the list of modern etiquette rules that every woman needs to know!
- When you have guests at your place for the first time show them where the bathroom is so that they can freshen up and only then, invite them to join others.
- If you receive food or drinks as gifts from any of the guests, keep them on the table so that everyone can try them.
- When you are at home it is not appropriate to shout from one room to another. Shouting might become your habit which isn’t a good thing. You should never be careless even if it is your own home, make it a habit to follow etiquette rules there too so that you follow it everywhere without any problems.
- When you visit someone’s party and need to leave early, talk to the hosts in private, inform them and then take your leave. If you wave to others instead, they might take it as a sign that the party is over!
Etiquette Rules- Never leave your soup spoon on the table, it makes the table cloth dirty. Always leave the soup spoon in the soup bowl.
- Never lay your belongings on the table of a restaurant, it is a rude gesture.
- When you visit a restaurant and feel hot, do not use a tissue to wave and make yourself comfortable instead just ask a staff member to turn on the air conditioner.
- When you are at the restaurant table you can put on lipstick but if you need to apply mascara and powder then you should use the bathroom.
- If you need to fix your hair in a restaurant, use the washroom.
- When you are having a meal with someone else and you need a refill of your glass, first ask the person sitting with you if they want a refill too.
- If you are sharing the same food, don’t take time to choose the best piece always take the one near you.
- When you are having tea, place your fingers to the front and back of the handle but if you want, you can loop your fingers around the handle of the cup while having coffee.
- When you are at work it’s not a good thing to put your purse, hat, or makeup on the work desk, always keep them at a different place.
- If the chair you are sitting on is a low one then hold your knees together and lean them sideways instead of crossing them. Crossing your legs is only appropriate when you can put one foot right behind the other.
- While getting into a car never step onto it, sit on the edge of the car and pull your legs into the car.
- The world has evolved a lot, if you have a car and know how to drive, don’t be dependent on someone else to pick you up for a party.
- While getting off a car put your feet on the ground and then stand up.
- It is alright to sit with a man in the back of a car but only when you know that person.
- If you are going to a place that doesn’t have a cloakroom, use a hanger to hang your clothes.
- It’s acceptable to fix your hair in the cloakroom but if you need to brush your hair or use makeup, always prefer using the washroom.
- If the place you visit has a cloakroom then keep all large items you are carrying at the cloakroom. The only thing you may keep with yourself is your purse.
Also Read: Unwritten Rules Of Gym Etiquette