Divorce: It’s an unhappy time when a marriage ends, but sometimes it needs to happen in order to move on to better things. Separation is one of the most destructive, emotionally traumatic experiences, a human being can go through. It is hard, and greatly hurts a person, and it is not at all simple to move ahead and feel normal.
But it is imperative to collect all your courage and move ahead because it is not the end of the world. Once you embark upon the divorce process, remember three key things: Be kind. Be reasonable, Be brief. Make yourself understand that this person may not be your spouse anymore but he will remain your co-parent, family member and perhaps a business partner in certain assets or entities.
Dealing with divorce is like a scary an emotional rollercoaster ride. It takes time to shift your track of life from being married to single again, and sometimes along with your kids. Nobody is ever prepared for what it feels like to be divorced. It may feel like the end of the world but realize that there are plenty of reasons to live a decent life, may it be for your kids, your career, your parents or your mental well being. Undeniably, falling apart from marriage will surely take a toll.
No Shame in Grieving
You need to mourn the lifestyle and life that you have lost. Let go of what you carried for so long, to make yourself feel better. The sooner you accept that the marriage is over, the better it will be for your mental health. Accept your divorce, not just on a piece of paper but mentally and emotionally, take time to say ‘good-bye’ to your old life. Sooner, things will fall into place. Spend time with yourself to accept the reality of today and prepare yourself for a better future.
Talk to Your Closed Ones
Most of the people will want to know your divorce story only to brew up gossip. Hence, it is important to keep your private issues to yourself and don’t give a peek to those gossip-mongers in your life. On the other hand, your dear ones will listen to you without judgment. They will support you and remind you how special and strong you are as a human being. This support will help you cope with things after the divorce. Most importantly, your friends and family will make sure you don’t do anything rash or stupid. They are the ones who will prevent you from falling off the edge.
No more ‘Woe is me’
Smart women make that mental shift from victim to survival, and they take the necessary steps to get there fully. Set yourself free and make a note to impose a statute of limitations on feeling sorry for yourself, even if the conflict is ongoing. Regardless of what your husband did or is still doing, you don’t want to make the pain of your divorce your identity and your calling card. Your negative feelings won’t disappear miraculously, so stop feeling sorry for yourself because the pain is not going to last forever.
Financial Independence
Get a job or follow your passion to increase your earnings. When you feel low, try to look at the bright side of things, you can do whatever you want. Make yourself feel good by doing what you like and if there is an unfulfilled aspiration, go for it. Learn to play guitar and be a musician or go ahead and become a painter. It is your pride, your getaway from the chaos of life.
Celebrate Being SingleCelebrate Being Single
When you have come out of the divorce darkness, celebrate the occasion. Celebrate the beginning of a new life. Take a trip with your girlfriends, kids or by yourself to feel lively again. Or throw a ‘divorce shower’ to recoup stuff you lost in the split. A celebration marks that you are moving forward in your new life. Keep yourself happy.
Be a smart woman and use your divorce as an opportunity for growth and maturity. Realize, everything happens for good and accept the reality of today blissfully. Moving on may not be easy, this process takes time, patience and dedication, but it is not impossible to move to the other side in a healthy way. Do it for yourself and for the dear ones related to you, who always wish to see you happy.
Also Read: How Badly Parental Divorce Can Impact Children!