You don’t have to be a designer to spot common interior designing errors in the décor. But it takes expertise to precisely point out the problem and fix it too. Most homeowners borrow the look they saw somewhere in a magazine or online when it comes to renovating.
It can range from the choice of wall paint to furniture arrangement to flooring, etc. However, disappointment sets in when things don’t work out the way they had planned. They end up wondering what must have gone wrong. Well, don’t worry if you find yourself in a similar situation. There are ways to correct a few décor mistakes. So, here is a quick reference to them.
Common Interior Designing Errors
It is no surprise that a rug is one of the easiest things to add texture and richness to the interiors. Hence, you find its extensive use in bedrooms, living area, etc. Ideally, it should be large enough to accommodate the front legs of the sofas and chairs. But it can fail to produce a desirable visual impact if it is not the proper size; a smaller rug can lend a barren feel to the room. That’s why it is essential to get it right. As per designers, an 8-foot by 10-foot rug can be suitable for most living rooms.
1. The lampshade color
Did you buy a dark-colored lampshade? While it is easy to get drawn to darker hues, the problem is these lampshades cast deeper shadows on walls, causing the ambiance to appear dull and boring. At the same time, these can easily catch dust and dirt.
Interior Designing ErrorsHowever, you can quickly improve this scenario by switching to a light color lampshade that aligns well with your décor. For example, you could comfortably pick a lemon yellow shade if your upholstered furniture features lemon and blue stripes.
2. The collectibles
It can be exciting to decorate different niches with items you collected on your tours and travels. But you have to be mindful of how you go about them. For instance, you had a pair of ceramic rooster figurines, which you placed in one corner of the kitchen to add some whimsical vibes.
While it can be a good idea, you can create a difference by mixing and matching a few practical fixtures in a busy space like a cooking zone. To be precise, consider pairing a white sink with a gold faucet. It can look more meaningful and not add clutter to your kitchen. On the other hand, the roosters can go to your living room, library, or various such corners with a shelf. These areas need to break free from the monotony of similar items or patterns, and your collections can take care of this need well.
Interior Designing Errors3. The fashion fads
While it is true that design and decoration trends don’t stick around for too long, you cannot count on something that would have no relevance after one or two years. Of course, flexibility with the budget has a massive role to play in this. But if you don’t have this, you would want to be careful about your spending. For example, there was a time when avocado-tinged toilets and copper appliances were quite popular. However, these could not stand the test of time and soon disappeared.
That’s why it is critical to choose your furnishing and decorations with utmost care. Of course, you can embrace fun and innovative designs as long as they justify their addition. However, if you have any doubt about their longevity, you can avoid them. You can, for example, be wary of the choice of bold carpet colors or contrasting wall accents that may fail to sustain their charm after a few months.
4. The protective coverings
Interior Designing ErrorsIn an attempt to preserve your new furniture and appliances, you may invest in tablecloths, runners, quilted covers, and plastic upholstery. But these coverings can make any room appear heavy and cumbersome, especially if they are too long. In addition, the drooping corners can mess with the neatness. You can avoid this situation while defending your furniture items using protective fabric layers, placemats, etc. The snug-fitting and smaller protection layers can enhance the aesthetic appeal and be easy to manage too.
5. The selection of furniture
An oversized sofa in a smaller room and a small couch in a spacious area will be awkward. So before you venture out for furniture shopping, measure your floor area, check the floor plan, and see what components will add to the configuration. Once you have this ready, you will not have to put up with anything unfit for the particular corner.
6. The focus on balance
You can start with your bedroom. The furniture set for this part of the house mainly consists of a bed, one or two dressers, and a nightstand. Experts recommend that opting for a range that offers two nightstands can be better; otherwise, it would lead to a lopsided effect.
7. The draperies
Interior Designing ErrorsSome people like to give their room a sense of flow by adding extra floor-length curtains. While it satisfies creative indulgence, you cannot ignore two downsides of this arrangement – dust collection and maintenance challenges. You can change this scenario by opting for drapes that are at least half inches above the floor. These will create a seamless, sharp, and compelling appearance. Plus, the chances of tripping due to puddling will also get significantly reduced.
All these are simple errors. But if you don’t pay attention, these can escape your notice and continue to bother the aesthetics of your décor. Hence, it will be better to be careful with everything you choose for your house. Some re-arrangements may not cost much. For example, you can use your DIY skills to shorten the length of the curtain. Similarly, buying placemats for the dinner table instead of runners would also not hurt your savings.
So, don’t get upset when your room fails to create the kind of impact you had expected. Instead, go through these common elements and discover how you can make them perfect for the specific environment.
Also read; Interior Ideas You Won’t Regret