Bad breath is a common problem in people, clinically termed as halitosis. The bad breath smell makes a person unattractive, undesirable, and also leads others to perceive them as unhygienic. Additionally, bad breath smell is an extremely embarrassing issue. Most of the time, people suffering from bad breath smell do not realize their problem. Other people bring this issue to their notice, making it an embarrassed and shameful encounter.
The causes of bad breath are various ranging from chewing tobacco products to poor dental hygiene. What is more important to know that there exist remedies for bad breath, so if your breath smells bad keep reading to find out the solution of how to get rid of bad breath.
Halitosis and other Medical Conditions
The clinical condition halitosis is defined as bad breath, characterized by an unpleasant odor from the mouth. It can result because of a variety of causes. Some medical conditions or health problems are found to be associated with bad breath.
To know the commonly related health problems, find some listed below:
Gum disease:
Gum disease or periodontal disease may be the result of persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth. Gum disease arises when plaque gets accumulated on the teeth. The bacteria give birth to toxins that end up irritating the gums. In the long run, in case of no treatment for this gum disease, the gum and jawbones may get damaged.
Xerostomia or Dry mouth:
The medical condition of dry mouth, clinically called xerostomia is one of the most common causes of bad breath. To moisten the mouth, saliva is necessary to wash away the dead cells which get built-up on gums, tongue, cheeks as well as to neutralize acids produced by the mouth. If these are not washed away, the dead cells decompose making the breath smell bad.
Dry mouth may also be the result of continuous breathing from the mouth, problems of the salivary gland, or medications. Other than the above-mentioned health conditions, other conditions include dental cavities, yeast infections in the mouth, diabetes, liver or kidney problems, etc.
Causes of Bad Breath
If you are someone whose breath smells bad, you must find out the cause of the bad breath to get to the root of the problem. Experts suggest a multitude of causes of bad breath.
Some of the commonly reported causes are mentioned below:
Foods like onion, garlic, fishes, and some beverages cause bad breath. The bad odor coming from the mouth is usually short-lived. Sometimes, the food might get stuck in the teeth birthing bacteria and plague that incessantly increase the bad smell. Your breath will keep smelling bad until the foods are completely washed out of your body.
Tobacco products
If you chew tobacco products regularly then there are high chances of you developing bad breath. Other than bad breath, tobacco products and smoking may additionally cause various mouth problems like gum disease and oral cancers.
Poor dental hygiene
This is one of the most obvious causes of bad breath. If you do not maintain proper oral and dental care and hygiene, your mouth and breath will start smelling bad. When you don’t brush your teeth, food particles get stuck on the teeth, gums, and tongue leading to plaque formation and the accumulation of bacteria which in turn induce the bad breath smell. Additionally, this build-up of plague gives rise to gum disease which as mentioned above is one of the closely related medical conditions to halitosis.
Related aspects to allergies like medications may cause bad breath by decreasing saliva production in the mouth. Sinus congestion produced due to allergies prompts a person to breathe from the mouth causing dry mouth that ultimately leads to bad breath smell.
Mouth infections
Yeast infections in the mouth, bacterial infestations, cavities may all lead to bad breath.
Food particles get stuck in the braces if not cleaned properly which again gives birth to bacteria that ultimately cause bad breath. Even loosely fixed dentures and braces may cause a variety of mouth infections and sores causing the breath to smell bad. Apart from the above-mentioned causes, alcoholism, stuck nose, morning breath, etc. may also lead to halitosis.
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath?
Bad breath is easily treatable. There are many remedies for bad breath and with a little bit of care, you will get rid of bad odor from your mouth. Below mentioned are some of the ways to get rid of bad breath:
Bad BreathPractice good oral and dental hygiene
Make sure to brush and floss twice daily. This is the easiest and healthiest way to get rid of bad breath. If required, you may brush after each meal. Additionally, use a mouthwash to wash off the bacteria and toxins from your mouth. Brushing your teeth, and cleaning your tongue would prevent bacteria and plaque from accumulating leading to a fresher feeling in the mouth and no bad odor.
Hydrate well
You must have eight glasses of water daily. Water boosts our metabolism and washes away toxins from the body. Drinking loads of water will prevent your mouth from drying. A moistened mouth means no bad breath! To keep the mouth moist, you can even chew gums or sugarless candies.
Stay away from smoking and alcohol
Using tobacco products causes bad breath as well as oral cancers, gum problems, and mouth infections. All of which are related to bad breath. Excessive intake of alcohol also leads to liver issues which again becomes a cause of bad breath. If you are someone who smokes and drinks alcohol regularly, you must stop to take care of your overall health. Seek expert advice, if needed.
See a dentist
If all the remedies for bad breath don’t work for you, it would be best for you to seek professional treatment. A dentist will evaluate your situation and will curate a treatment plan to fit your needs. In any case, you must make sure to see your dentist at least twice a year.
We understand that it becomes a painful and embarrassing situation when your breath smells bad. In many cases, it might also cause anxiety and stress. What you must know is that it is easily treatable. If the remedies don’t work for you, do not shy away from seeing a dentist at the earliest.
Also read; How To Treat Bad Breath At Home