Summary: Hemorrhagic cysts turn out to be harmless for most women. However, there are certain instances when such cysts could harm you. Owing to this, you must know everything about these types of ovarian cysts. Therefore, we have curated this piece for you, where you can learn about hemorrhagic ovarian cysts. So, without wasting any further moments, let us dive in!
Do you feel like you could be having a hemorrhagic cyst or multiple cysts? Ovarian hemorrhagic cysts are pretty common these days. So, you should have all the information you need for a better understanding of what these cysts are, their symptoms, causes, and more. Keep reading the blog to know all there is about hemorrhagic cysts.
Under normal circumstances, most ovarian cysts would go away on their own and cause no pain or discomfort to the person. However, in cases where your cysts get ruptured or twisted, you might experience severe symptoms. The best way to detect ovarian cysts is to visit your doctor and get a routine body examination.
A cyst becomes a hemorrhagic cyst when there is ovarian cyst bleeding. These cysts are usually functional and result from ovulation, not disease. Want to have more deep insights? Let's get further into the blog and learn more.
What are Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cysts?
Simply put, hemorrhagic ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop in your ovaries and are mostly harmless. These cysts are more common in people who haven't had menopause yet or have given birth more than once. The size of a hemorrhagic cyst is more than 5 centimeters in diameter. Hence, there are chances of such cysts to rupture spontaneously. As a result, the person might require immediate doctor consultation followed by surgery to stop the bleeding and remove the cyst.
What are Some of the Hemorrhagic Cyst Causes?
When on your period, “Corpus Luteum” is a cyst that naturally forms with multiple cells inside your ovaries. As a result, there could be excessive fluids, which can result in build-up, causing hemorrhagic cysts.
However, it is important to note that corpus luteum cysts are not alarming in most cases. It goes away on in a few weeks. On the other hand, it might take three months to go away (i.e., three cycles). Let us look at some more hemorrhagic cyst causes that can lead to the formation of such ovarian cysts:
1. Menstrual Cycle
Hemorrhagic cysts usually occur when we are having our periods and are closely linked with our menstrual cycle. You can get follicular cysts if the follicle that releases your egg hasn't ruptured properly. Thus, corpus luteum cysts result from the empty follicle filling with blood.
2. Medications
Certain medications, like blood thinners, increase the chances of bleeding within ovarian cysts. The reason is that such drugs interfere with our body's blood clotting mechanism. Therefore, the chances of rupturing a blood vessel within an ovarian cyst increase. Specific fertility treatments stimulate ovulation and can sometimes increase your chances of getting hemorrhagic cysts. The reason is that such medications can cause hormonal changes in your body.
3. Pelvic Infections
Any form of infection or inflammation in the pelvic area can also irritate our ovaries and increase the chances of getting hemorrhagic cysts. Also, if you face any physical trauma in your abdomen or pelvis, you can get cysts in your ovary, too.
4. Hormonal Imbalances
If you have any hormonal imbalances like those that people deal with in cases of PCOD, then your normal ovarian functions can be affected, and your chances of developing hemorrhagic ovarian cysts can also increase.
5. Endometriosis
In endometriosis, the tissues that grow in the inner lining of the uterus also start growing outside the uterus, including on the ovaries. As a result, you can have the risk of developing cysts.
What are the Most Common Hemorrhagic Cyst Symptoms?
Most of the time, the cyst does not show any symptoms, and people only find out from the doctor while doing their routine examination. However, in some cases, you may experience certain hemorrhagic cyst symptoms, like
- Infertility.
- Breast tenderness.
- Pain during intercourse.
- Lower back or pelvic pain.
- Heartburn or indigestion.
- Nausea and bloating.
- Pressure or pain while urinating.
- Abdominal discomfort and irregular periods.
Not only this! You can also come across symptoms like unusual vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, weakness, fatigue & nausea. There are also circumstances where you can get internal bleeding in your abdomen due to hemorrhagic cysts. This could be life-threatening; you can also experience organ damage or organ failure.
Hence, you must stay aware and look for the signs if any of them persist. Also, in case of such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical attention.
How are Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cysts Diagnosed?
A combination of mechanisms helps doctors identify whether or not you have hemorrhagic cysts in your body. Let's look at the diagnostic process of hemorrhagic cysts:
- The first step involves a clinical evaluation of the patient, studying their medical history. The doctor also evaluates whether the patient is experiencing any symptoms like pelvic pain, irregular menstrual cycle, bloating, or any other symptoms.
- Secondly, the doctor could do some imaging studies for the patient. They usually recommend patients get a transvaginal ultrasound where they can see clear images of their ovaries. Such scans help identify the cyst's characteristics, size, and location. In certain cases, doctors also recommend an MRI for the patients, especially if they find the results of the USG inconclusive.
- If the hemorrhagic cyst is small and harmless, the doctor will simply monitor the cysts and ask you to come for follow-up ultrasounds to examine any changes. In case the cysts seem to be harmful, the doctor might recommend surgery as the best solution to treat it.
What is the Treatment for Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cysts?
A hemorrhagic ovarian cyst treatment varies depending on the size of the cyst. For instance, if your cyst is less than 5 centimeters in diameter, your doctor would most likely ask you to wait because such cysts go away on their own. Occasionally, the doctor recommends follow-up ultrasounds to ensure your cyst hasn't twisted or ruptured.
If your cyst happens to be larger than 5 centimeters and you're showing severe hemorrhagic cyst symptoms, then your doctor shall recommend that you undergo surgery. The surgery helps remove your cyst and also control blood loss from your body. However, there are certain acute conditions where your doctor might have to remove the affected ovary altogether.
Reading the blog must have given you a comprehensive understanding of what you need to know about a hemorrhagic cyst. If you feel you could relate to any of the symptoms discussed above, you should seek medical help today and ensure you're free from all health complications. If you want to read more about female empowerment, women's care, and their lifestyle, head to The Voice of Woman blog today.
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