One period was more than enough as it was, and now another one in the same month ? Getting periods twice a month can be exasperating and sometimes, even scary and concerning. But it’s more common than you might think. And there is always some sort of legitimate reasoning behind such events. Similarly, this phenomenon has its explanation too. So, here’s everything you might want to know about having two periods in a month.
Getting Periods Twice A Month, Why Does it Happen?
Every woman is built differently and functions differently. Some women have their periods for just a couple of days whereas some for almost a week. Some have regular menstrual cycles while some have irregular cycles. Women with irregular cycles even get their period once in a few months. Similarly, it’s because of the irregularity of one’s menstrual cycle, that one might end up having period twice a month too. Although that might be the most common reasons, there are several other causes which can be responsible too:
1. Birth Control
This is one of the most common causes of irregular bleeding in women. That’s because when you forget to take your birth control pills, you face a sudden withdrawal of hormones. This kind of irregular bleeding isn’t particularly alarming either.
Birth ControlBut who wants 2 periods in one month right? So, follow the instructions by your doctor properly and don’t forget to take your birth control the next time!
2. An Infection Down There
Doctors and researchers have confirmed that vaginal and cervical infections can cause bleeding outside your period. So look out for any kind of infections down there because it can be both risky and incredibly irritating. And if you’re unable to tell for sure, it’s best to consult a doctor before things go out of hand.
3. Pregnancy
Yes, it’s normally the opposite in terms of pregnancy and women miss their periods. But because every woman experiences it differently, there are plenty who bleed irregularly if they’re pregnant. So, a simple pregnancy test would be a good way to rule all the possibilities out.
4. Excess Stress
Excess levels of stress can lead you to have either frequent periods or missing your periods a lot. Stress can incite a grave hormonal imbalance which can ultimately lead to such issues. Steer clear of stress in your daily life. Try to exercise and meditate regularly, sleep on time, give yourself a break, etc., to keep the stress on the bay.
5. Uterine Polyps or Fibroids
Certain hormonal issues might lead to the growth of tumors in the uterus. But it is less scary than it sounds and more common than you might believe it to be. Fibroids can cause spontaneous bleeding and uterine polyps can cause bleeding in between periods. Besides that, fibroids can also cause abdominal bloating, back pain, anemia, etc. So, if that’s the case, it is highly recommended to head to your gynac as soon as possible.
6. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
If you’re having periods twice a month, you might just have PCOS. The polycystic ovarian syndrome is the result of either less frequent or complete lack of ovulation. That, in turn, leads to a hormonal imbalance and one of its many symptoms is experiencing irregular bleeding. If you think you’re experiencing other symptoms of PCOS too, then you should get evaluated by your doctor soon.
7. Excess Weight Gain
If you’ve put on a lot of weight then you might experience certain changes in your menstrual cycle. Sometimes certain medications can have side effects that might end up causing this. Not only that, but abrupt weight loss and excessive amounts of intense exercise can also tamper with your cycle.
8. Menopause
Perimenopause tends to cause irregular periods. So, if you’re in the early stage of menopause, then frequent periods are extremely common. In this case, there isn’t much you can do because it is a natural process. But you could take prescribed medications to ease the effects.
9. Precancerous or Cancerous Cells
Precancerous or cancerous cells tend to cause irregular bleeding when found in either the cervix or the uterus. It is always best to take precautions and get checked beforehand. After all, prevention is better than cure and so is early detection.
10. Endometriosis
This condition leads to not only frequent but also heavier periods. So having two periods in one month could be because of this. You might want to check in with your doctor so that if there’s anything to do, you can take action on it.
Endometriosis Risk factors like a family history of uterine fibroids or early onset of menopause can also increase your chances of having periods twice a month. Although this phenomenon is mostly a natural one, it is always better to be on guard about such issues. It would be best to address your issues with a doctor and take a look at some serious symptoms related to this. For instance, if you’re experiencing these risk factors related to uterine fibroids, then you should seek your doctor soon:
- Heavy periods very frequently.
- Excessive pain in the lower abdomen that doesn’t go away even after a couple of days.
- Pain during sexual intercourse.
- Experiencing more menstrual cramps than you normally do.
- Seeing dark clots during your period.
It is important to consult a doctor in such situations because if not attended to, these can turn into complications. Getting periods twice a month can be painful and tiring. And sometimes, there’s only so much you can do. But, you could always try out natural home remedies to deal with an irregular menstrual cycle. Fight a natural problem with natural solutions!
If you’re thinking about trying to fix your irregular cycle through medication, then always consult your doctor before taking any step. Certain medications can affect your bodily functions. And if you tamper with your period using that, you might just end up making it worse for you. So, always talk to your doctor first. Stay healthy, stay safe!
Also read- Period Blood Smell