If you are a millennial woman, your mind is constantly buzzing with random things. We all go through days when there’s too much on our plates, and it’s tough to focus on the present and get through the day. If you are struggling with the same issue, don’t worry you are not alone. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed these days. All that mental noise can seriously affect productivity and disrupt inner peace. There have to be times when you should take a step back and breathe. Remember that finding inner peace isn’t impossible. And, you certainly don’t need to meditate on you a mountain cliff or spend hundreds of dollars at a weekend retreat to do so. Wondering how to find and maintain your focus every day? We have got you covered!
Tips to Find and Maintain Your Focus Every Day
Find and Maintain Your Focus Every DayWhen you want to find and maintain your focus every day, there are small steps that you can take. The first thing to do is, carve out time to unwind. All of us have a deep reservoir of calm and peace buried inside us. We just need to learn how to tap into it! Let’s see how we can do that.
1. Write A Journal
You’ve probably heard this advice over and over again, in multiple contexts. But, there’s a reason why it’s one of the most heard pieces of advice. Journaling helps. When your mind is buzzing and it feels like it will burst open, try writing down some of your thoughts.
Don’t worry about grammar, your handwriting, or even if the sentences make sense. Just free-write whatever comes to your mind. Journaling is an exercise that helps in emptying the mind and relaxing the brain.
If you want to know how to maintain focus while studying, bullet journaling is the best way. At the start of each day, begin by making a list of the topics you need to cover that day. Try your best to stick to it, and you’ll experience waves of productivity.
2. Go for A Walk
The times when you feel overwhelmed, leave everything you are doing and go for a walk. Walking is not only a great way to step away from work momentarily, but it also helps to relieve stress. Besides, getting in movement is always a good idea.
Walking clears your mind, energizes blood flow, and renews your energy by preparing you on how to tackle your tasks. However, make sure you choose the location carefully. You don’t want to take a walk on a busy street. The honking of the cars and the noises of crowds can clog your mind further. Instead, choose a quiet street, a family park, or a quiet stairwell or hall.
3. Visualize your Happy Place
Each one of us has a happy place. Crawling back to your happy place during tough times is one of the most constructive things to do. Imagining your happy place is a micro-practice that strengthens your visualization skills, and the more you do it, the more effective it is.
You can picture the ocean you used to go to as a kid, the beach house you grew up in, the balcony from your school days, being with someone you love, reliving a happy memory, or maybe your favorite vacation. The possibilities are endless.
4. Meditate
If you want to maintain focus at work, try taking small breaks and meditating. You don’t have to be a pro at meditation. Meditation is an effective way of calming your body and mind. It will also help you re-shift your focus and be more productive at work. Remember that your breath is your constant companion. If everything else fails, your breath will guide you through. Breathe in and breathe out using the 4-7-8 breathing technique.
Close your mouth, inhale through your nose, and count till four. Now, gently hold on to that breath till 7 counts. Slowly exhale through your breath as you count till 8. This helps you relax your parasympathetic nervous system, and the practice helps in grounding your focus. And, if you are new to meditation, there are hundreds of guided meditation apps and YouTube tutorials available.
5. Practice Self-Compassion
We are the cruelest when it comes to ourselves. All of us have trauma and guilt that make it difficult to forgive ourselves. When all these emotions pile up within us, we lose our inner focus. There is no one road to self-compassion, and it’s certainly not a smooth one. But, if you are willing to be kind to yourself, you can practice Kirsten Neff’s ACT method.
In this method, ‘A’ stands for acknowledging, where you acknowledge that you are struggling and remind yourself that there is no shame in failing. ‘C’ is for connecting when you remember that you are not alone, instead, connected to all of humanity who go through similar feelings. ‘T’ stands for talking to yourself kindly. When we get frustrated and angry, we are mean to ourselves. But, what we should really be doing is positive self-talk.
Practice your daily affirmations regularly. Research says that when you talk to yourself in the third person, you activate the part in the brain that makes you feel loved and cared for. You are accessing your higher self. In the end, we are the only ones who are truly there for ourselves. Thus, it’s important to be kind and compassionate.
Trying to find and maintain your focus every day is a process. It won’t happen overnight. Be patient yourself, and know that it’s okay to not be okay.
Also Read: How To Connect With Your Inner Self?