Having plumper and bigger lips is the desire of almost every girl. After all bigger lips are one of those features that embellish your face. They make you appear younger, attractive, or alluring (whichever way you prefer)!
Being here on this page we suppose you are hindering something related to bigger lips. That might be what are plump lips, how to get bigger lips naturally, and many other big lips topics. Without any further ado, binge below and get answers to all your questions.
What are Plump Lips?
When you use the word plump colloquially what do you indicate? Something close to what the thesaurus suggests right? Similarly, plump lips are lips that look plumpy. In other words, they are lips that are well-filled, pinkish, chubby, and fleshy. In a gist, plumpy lips are healthy-looking lips.
Why Bigger Lips?
You might wonder why so many ladies go gaga about bigger and fuller lips. The introductory portion might have provided a lot of reasons but to further address this, we have two good reasons-
- Personal choice, and,
- Baby it is KYLIE!!!
You know what, there is also a dictum that our lips say a lot about our personality and wellness. And yes it is true. This is one of the reasons why many opt for lip surgery to make their lips appear bigger and fuller. There are various techniques to get bigger lips such as with the help of surgery, injection, use of makeup, and yes naturally.
How to Get Bigger Lips Naturally?
Before pondering on how to get bigger lips let’s briefly look at the reason why lips appear plumpy. A plump lip is not only about being thick and chubby but it is more about hydration, health, and wellness. Our lips appear pinkish due to enhanced blood flow in the lips. Hence you don’t need lipstick to pink your lips. Here are some home remedies, exercises, and DIYs to help you achieve healthier lips.
1. Use of Sugar and Honey
Sugar and honey is a unique combination that benefits our beauty and wellness in a lot many ways. One such benefit of this combination is the ability to make the lips chubbier and bigger. Honey and sugar work out as great exfoliators. It helps to exfoliate the dry cells and skin from our lips thereby increasing the lips to appear pinker.
Also, while scrubbing the mixture of honey and sugar all over our lips we tend to increase the blood circulation in that portion, and as we have mentioned earlier, better blood circulation is the reason behind pink lips.
2. Use of Essential Oil
Essential oil such as cinnamon, olive oil, and peppermint oil helps to bring enhanced looks to your lips. The use of these oils irritates the lips thereby increasing blood flow. You can opt for using them directly on your lips in small amounts. Or else you can opt out for natural lip plumpers containing vitamin E, cinnamon oil, and olive oil.
3. Cayenne Pepper
It is an old grandma remedy for making our lips bigger. Use a small amount of pepper with a pinch of coconut oil and make a thin paste and apply it to your lips. Let the paste stay for about 10 minutes and then rinse it with normal water. Make sure that you do not lick your lips while applying the pepper.
4. Ice Cubes
Yes! You heard it right. Ice cubes. Rubbing ice cubes in your lips will compress the blood vessels in your lips temporarily and it will make your lips appear more big and plump instantly. If you have an urgent meeting or date, rub out an ice cube for 3 minutes and you will get the desired result instantly.
5. Beetroot Juice
The most demanded beetroot works wonder here too. If you apply a small amount of beetroot juice daily on your lips it will make your lips appear fuller as regular application of it will bring increased blood flow to your lips.
6. Practice Whistling
Whistling is a great exercise that will in the long run help retain bigger lips. It works great on our lips as it engages the lip muscles, which in turn increases the volume if you practice with repeated “reps.”
How to Get Bigger Lips Naturally?7. Puckering your lips
Puckering your lips together means squeezing in such a way that people do while kissing someone. Practice puckering your lips with all your energy as if kissing someone for about 10-20 reps each rep for about 20 secs. Try doing this 3 times a day, you will soon see the results.
8. Work on some lips Calisthenics
Calisthenics means the exercise consisting of a variety of movements in the muscle groups. Lips calisthenics mainly focuses on our lip muscles.
It is very easy to practice lips calisthenics. Simply you need to move your lips together towards the right and left and again rotate your lips anti-clockwise and clockwise. Practice this 4-5 times daily to increase the muscle volume in your lips.
9. Practice alternative smiles and frowns
Practice alternative smiles by trying out different smiles on your lips. It will help in enhancing the lips muscles. Hold out your lips together and try out alternative smiles. Keep holding your lips together for at least 10-20 secs.
10. Brushing your lips
Brushing your lips might sound strange but this is one of the DIYs to get fuller and bigger lips. Practice the habit of brushing your lips after you complete brushing your teeth every day with a dry toothbrush. This will help in improving the texture, and the circulation of blood throughout your lips, simultaneously working on its appearance to look bigger, fuller, and plumper.
11. Hydration
Last but not least HYDRATION. Keep your body hydrated to have a juicy lips. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily to keep your body hydrated. Drinking water is the most viable remedy to work wonders in our overall body health and fitness.
So what are you waiting for? Get up and fetch yourself a glass of water. With continued practice of any one of the above techniques, you can now get the ever-desired, juicer, fuller, and bigger lips.
Also Read; Top 6 Lip Plumping Products