Scalp acne treatment has to be one of the most annoying hair problems. Sometimes no matter what you do, it just wouldn’t leave you alone! No more of that now because we’re here to help you out with scalp acne treatment. But first, let’s look at some facts about scalp acne.
What is Scalp Acne?
Scalp folliculitis, or more commonly known as scalp acne, is a condition that causes small pimples on the scalp. These pimples are mostly itchy and sometimes can even become sore. And a severe issue of scalp acne can result in blackened crusts on the scalp which leaves permanent scars. Yikes!
Scalp Acne Treatment & Causes
Scalp acne is usually caused when a pore or hair follicle gets clogged, especially with dead skin cells. This is, in fact, one of the most commonly seen causes of acne on the scalp. It can also occur if any bacteria or mites get into the pores which then causes a reaction. Here are some reasons as to why your pores might be getting clogged:
- Usage of certain hair products like shampoos, hair gels, and hairsprays that lead to product buildup.
- Not cleaning your scalp frequently enough, i.e., not washing your hair regularly.
Scalp Acne Treatment- Stress. Just like normal acne that you can get on your face, scalp acne can also be triggered by stress.
- Hormonal imbalances.
- Wearing certain hair accessories that may have caused friction against your scalp.
Scalp Acne Treatment
There are numerous ways, from minimalistic approaches to medications, through which you can treat your scalp acne. That often depends on the severity and the type of scalp acne you have. So, it’s better to consult your doctor about it first before taking any step.
Treatment options for serious or persistent cases:
- Topical antibiotic ointments.
- Oral medications/antibiotics.
- Steroid creams or injections.
- Light therapy or phototherapy.
- Physical extractions for clearing out pores.
Remember, these options are only for severe cases of scalp acne. It is highly recommended to not tend to these measures before consulting a trusted doctor first.
Scalp Acne Treatment1. Switch Hair Products
If the hair products you’re using are causing those itchy pimples on your scalp, then it’s time to change products. Here are some recommended ingredients that you might want to look for while shopping for new hair products:
- Tea tree oil. This essential oil is rich in both anti-inflammatories as well as antibacterial properties which is great in fighting acne.
- Jojoba oil. This isn’t guaranteed to help you remove acne from your scalp. But adding some of it to your shampoo might help to reduce inflammation.
- Salicylic acid. This exfoliates and gets rid of dead skin cells. This in turn ensures that dead skin cells don’t enter the pores and don’t cause acne.
- Glycolic acid. This can be of huge help as it helps to exfoliate the scalp. It also removes bacteria and dead skin cells.
- Ketoconazole. This is an antifungal agent that might help with scaly or red skin.
- Ciclopirox. This is yet another antifungal agent that is commonly found in anti-dandruff shampoos.
The best shampoo for scalp acne would be one with ingredients like these. Just try using oil-based products or oil ingredients on a moderate level.
2. Try an Anti-Acne Diet
Although simply changing your diet isn’t going to help you get rid of scalp acne, it is something to try. Implementing this along with switching hair products is a great option too. Here’s how you can implement an anti-ance diet. Consume more foods that contain:
- Vitamin A. Dairy products, fish, liver, fortified cereals, carrots, broccoli, cantaloupe, etc., are some great options.
- Vitamin D. Fatty fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, swiss cheese, etc., are excellent sources of vitamin D.
- Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish and other seafood, nuts and seeds, plant-based oils, milk, etc., are some foods that are rich in omega-3.
- Dietary fiber. Whole-grain foods, berries, melons, oranges, sweetcorn, nuts and seeds, peas, beans, pulses, etc., are all fiber rich foods.
- Antioxidant properties. Onions, garlic, leeks, spinach, parsley, grapes, apricots, pumpkins, mangoes, seafood, milk, nuts, tea, etc., are some great options to consider.
- Zinc. Meat, shellfish, nuts and seeds, legumes, dairy products, whole grains, fortified cereals, etc., are all rich in zinc.
Avoid fast foods, sugary foods, greasy food, refined grains, foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids, and lean meat. These might be causing your scalp acne too. So, while you’re on an anti-acne diet, it’s best to steer clear of these foods as much as possible. Scalp acne treatment can take up more time than you would expect it to. Pimple scars can take even months to fade away. So, the key is to be patient and consistent with your healing methods. And make sure to not pick at scalp acne at all. Be it squeezing, popping, or scratching. Avoid doing any of that because that will only make things worse for you and it can also spread infections.
Preventive Measures
Here are certain ways you could prevent scalp acne:
- Choose the best products and remember that the best doesn’t mean the most expensive. Look for products that are free of additives and chemicals and are healthy for your hair.
- Avoid excess use of products like hair sprays and hair gels. Not only can these cause scalp acne, but they also ruin the quality of your hair if not used wisely.
- Wash your hair regularly, especially after working out or any other activity that might have caused sweating.
- It is also important to keep your sleeping area clean and hygienic. So, change your sheets and pillowcases regularly too.
- Try wearing loose and comfortable headgear to give your scalp space and air.
- Keep a check of the foods you’re eating so you’d know if that’s the cause of your scalp acne.
Scalp acne treatment is always there to help you. But why resort to that when you can try to prevent that from happening in the first place!
Also read- Get Rid Of Fungal Acne